Instituído para celebrar a gastronomia, o Good France reunirá, em 19 de março, mais de 1.000 chefs em cinco continentes. A comemoração, que conta com o apoio da Galeries Lafayette, prevê um menu comum em todo o mundo: um tradicional aperitivo francês, queijos, sobremesa achocolatada e vinhos.

Internamente, a mais tradicional loja de departamento da Europa vai oferecer doces em todas as refeições servidas em seus cinco restaurantes. As festividades começam no térreo, no Pain Quotidien,com uma torta de cacau. Depois, prossegue no 1° andar, no Angelina, com macarons de chocolate. Já o libanês Liza, situado no 3° andar, brindará os clientes com ganache de chocolate, enquanto o Yoom (6° andar) servirá seu dim sum de cacau e o Paris Tokyo, minichocolate branco de chá verde.

Seja qual for a escolha, essa celebração gastronômica imperdível irá satisfazer todos os gourmets.


Created to celebrate the cuisine, the Good France meet, on March 19, more than 1,000 chefs from five continents. The celebration, which has the support of the Galeries Lafayette, offers an equal menu around the world: a traditional French appetizer, cheese, chocolatey dessert and wine.

Internally, the most traditional department store in Europe will offer sweets at all meals served in its five restaurants. The festivities begin on the ground, the Pain Quotidien, with a cocoa cake. Then continues on 1st floor, on Angelina with chocolate macaroons. Have the Lebanese Liza, located on the 3rd floor, will toast the customers with chocolate ganache, while the Yoom (6th floor) will serve your dim sum cocoa and Paris Tokyo, green tea white minichocolate.

Whatever the choice, it must gastronomic celebration will satisfy all gourmets.

Irrespective of the choice, it must gastronomic celebration will satisfy all gourmets.

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Escape Magazine